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供求信息 > Auto Hinge Fusion, Door Closer [Updated: 2003/04/03]
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Auto Hinge Fusion, Door Closer

Dear Sir,

SAM Korea Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and exporter of building
materials in Koera. Estalieshed in 1978, We produced wide range of building
materials such as door closer, hinge, and faucet. Now we concentrate on
producing Door Closer Hinge. We export our door closer hinge to the USA,
Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Vietnam,
and European Countries.

1. Auto Hinge Fusion

In case of using general door closers, it may be so hard to open door and
there would be a distortion or slanting or slanting down on it. This is because
the turning center - line is not located in same position between door axis
and door closer. From now, use the new door closer of hinge type which is
on the same center line by adopting the hinge inserted the door closer.

Please visit our website for more details or contact me directly with any
Valid Until 2006/01/09

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地址 孝帝洞 221 慈仁大厦 307号 钟路区 汉城 110-850 Korea
电话号码 82-2-7473630
传真号码 82-2-7473633
公司主页 http://samkorea.cn.ec21.com
联系人 权HANNA

Copyright(c) Sam Korea Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Tel : 82-2-747-3630 Fax : 82-2-747-3633